Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Paula Deen, Bubba Hiers and Lisa T. Jackson the REAL issue

In typical bait and switch fashion, the mainstream media have focused their attention on Paula Deen's having committed the shocking crime of uttering the word "nigger". Front page headlines! Oh my God! Food Network promptly cancelled Ms. Deen's butter infused cooking show.

BUT the real story is that one beleaguered woman, Lisa T. Jackson working in the capacity of General Manager for Bubba's Restaurant endured 5+ years of lower pay, sexual harassment, and physical abuse at the hands of Earl "Bubba" Hiers, Paula Deen's brother.
You can read the Lisa T. Jackson v. Paula Deen, Earl Hiers transcript here.

Many people have come to Paula's defense, saying things like "We all make mistakes" "Blacks say nigger all the time" "Food Network is a hypocrite" "Jesus will save her" and other inane comments.
The real issue is not about saying nigger. It is about how one hard working woman, Lisa T. Jackson was hired, reluctantly at first,
"You're everything I've never wanted, but everything I need, a woman to clean my business up...you should take that as a compliment" Bubba told Lisa,
to save the failing business of Uncle Bubba's Seafood & Oyster House.Photo: We can think of a way for you to spend your Hump Day....

Bubba and the other male managers did not believe that a woman had the ability to turn things around and make his venture profitable. But Ms. Jackson did so in a matter of months. Was she rewarded for her efforts? No. She was paid less than the male managers of the other restaurants of Deen Enterprises.  She was exposed to pornography in the cramped office she shared with Bubba. She had to make up for the cash Bubba was stealing directly from the register to the tune of  $25,000 a month without recording or accounting for it. She had to smooth things over with the black employess who worked the kitchen where they were addressed as "monkey", i.e. "I wanna fire every one uh them monkeys in that kitchen!" -Earl Bubba Hiers. and "nigger" of course.  Bubba's daily consumption of a  white Styrofoam cup   filled to the brim with  whiskey also signaled Ms. Jackson and the terrified kitchen employess what any given workday had in store for them.
Ms. Jackson also had to endure having her bonus denied her by a bible thumping Karl Schumacher because she had gotten a divorce, thereby mocking the holy sanctity of marriage. inSchumacher's view.
Finally after 5 years of putting up with multiple abuses Ms. Jackson had no choice but to quit her job. After having done so, Deen Ent. made sure that no other vendors or business in Savannah would hire her, forcing Lisa Jackson to have to move to another state in order to earn a living.
The bottom line is that it angers me that everyone is focusing on Paula Deen saying nigger and not the real story; how Paula betrayed a woman who was struggling and succeeding in spite of Earl Bubba Hiers disgusting behavior.
Bubba & Paula, 2 dummies
And the fact that the Georgia legal system is dragging its feet about bringing this matter to court.
If Paula Deen was smart, she would have settled this matter out of court and paid Ms. Jackson the $1 million. But neither she nor her brother Bubba have evidenced very much intelligence. Now I have zero sympathy for Deen Enterprises and especially none for Uncle Bubba's restaurant. I would hope that any decent human avoids that place and boycotts all the Deen ventures as well.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


by GREGORY LIONS c. 2013

We're doomed as doomed can be (x3)
And we don't even see
As long as we have giant flat   teeee vees!
And beer flows steadily

NSA can listen away
And even film us what the hey!
Drone missiles fly
across the sky
at you or I
Barack Obomber
What a guy!

We're doomed as doomed can be!
GMOs are in your food, you dont even know
Don't care if you could.
'Murican ignorance is bliss
and we're in ecstasy
Cops can stop you any time
DHS can jail you without a crime
Terrorism rules with fear
Not over there,
They live right here
In elected positions
That pound your rear
Do you care? hell naw!
In the land of the brave,
and the home of the free
were doomed as doomed as doomed can beeeee!

I wrote this today, out of sheer frustration. I hope you can laugh, even though it's not really funny at all. Laughter is the best medicine though.  I would also like to salute EDWARD SNOWDEN for being a true patriot.