Thursday, October 23, 2008



I read that today. It made me think of the term patriotism. From the Latin, Patria, country.Serve your country. But what is your country? What is loyalty? At any given point in time, a country is governed by an elected administration. They are transient. The people’s will is like fashion. It changes. It’s whimsical. So again what is country? Is it the literal geographic coordinates we occupy? If so how does one determine how one may best serve one’s country?

I dismiss the idea of service to a given administration. I didn’t vote for GWBush. Look at the shape this USA is in today. It’s monumentally depressed. It is engaged, against the will of the majority of the people, in a synthesized war predicated on the flimsiest excuse of “to prevent terrorism over there from coming over here”. This manufactured war is costing blood of men and women who mistakenly think they are serving their country. In reality they are serving the greed of war profiteers, Bush and his cronies, who could care less about the deaths of these people.

Which brings me to my current outrage that American citizens could honestly think that electing John McCain as our next President will fix the ills that our nation is currently beset with. The definition of insanity is: performing the same actions repeatedly and expecting a different outcome.

John McCain has voted 90% of the time exactly in step with Bush. So he shall be more of the same. That is NOT what we need to fix this country.

And again, my point is you can not serve a country until you decide what your country is. Or what you imagine it to be. I am an American by birth. But far too often I feel like a stranger in this land.

My definition of what my country is this: A place that lets me pursue happiness and flourish. Where I can watch my children lead happy lives. Where there is unity and harmony among the people. Where my taxes are used for services like education, health care, food and shelter.

I pay taxes. I am of the mindset that you get what you pay for. I am most certainly NOT getting what I’m paying for, and neither are you my fellow citizen.

Barack Obama is not an experienced leader in the sense of having governed or mayored etc. But he is an intelligent man who gives one the impression that he genuinely wants to help ALL the people, not just the small minority of the very rich. That makes better sense to me.

Friday, September 26, 2008



There's supposed to be a Presidential Debate this evening. Barack Obama says he's going to be there. John McCain has said that he must suspend his appearance, his whole Presidential Campaign drive even UNTIL he has singlehandedly SOLVED the current financial crisis facing the USA.
First, McCain, by his own admission, doesn't know a damn thing about finance. He married a rich woman. So what the hell good is this old geezer showing up with his rolled up sleeves at the White House going to do?

John McCain: "Hello Everybody, I've rolled up my sleeves, suspended my multi-million dollar bid for the Presidency and am here to HELP!"

George W. Bush: "OK, John, thanks for coming, there's the coffee machine, we sure could use another fresh pot"

McCain: "Sure thing Mr. President, I'm HELPING! WOO HOO! We'll have this $700 Billion ransack-the-taxpayers-money plan launched in no time!"

Come on folks, let's see McCain's move for what it is: A COP OUT FROM HAVING TO FACE OBAMA ONE ON ONE TO TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES. McCain is scared of Obama. He knows that Barack is eloquent AND can actually THINK ON HIS FEET. John McCain is lost without a teleprompter and his aides and spin doctors to tell him what to say.
This reminds me of Kennedy vs. Nixon. Kennedy was well-spoken and charismatic. Nixon was a toad.
And where is Sarah Palin? Is she out getting a pedicure?
But I digress.
My question to anyone calling themselves a Republican is:

How can you ignore the short-comings of this stooge, John McCain, that your party has offered up as the Best of its candidates for President of the United States of America?

My next question is:
How can you sheeple, you voters, you same morons that elected GW Bush into the White House for a second term do this all over again? Do you hate the US of A so much that you are secretly hoping to drive this country into the dirt?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I don’t like the term “conspiracy theorist”. It has the same connotation as “wacko” or “witch-hunter” I prefer INVESTIGATIVE INTEGRITY. Any good detective or scientist will consider ALL possibilities of how an event occurs. He/she will weigh the likelihood of a given scenario and draw his/her conclusions based on an explanation that makes the most sense. Ideally on a process that can be reproduced.
I have considered the events leading to the collapse of the North and South Towers and of Building Seven of the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11th 2001. I witnessed the buildings burning and their subsequent collapse FIRST HAND from across the harbor in Staten Island on that fateful morning. I have weighed the evidence which was presented by numerous sources as well. Ultimately I reject the explanation that two burning commercial airliners were responsible for taking down the North and the South Towers of the World Trade Center. And I also find the explanation that scattered building fires in 7 World Trade Center were the cause of that building’s collapse, UTTERLY ABSURD. Buildings are built to withstand the most severe natural disasters. They stand for years enduring wind and earthquakes. They most certainly DO NOT just collapse from a few scattered small fires.
What does that leave me with? The certainty that what took place was a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.
To what end? To create an atmosphere of fear throughout the United States of America that would allow the governmental administrators to further an agenda that robs the American citizens of their most basic civil freedoms under the guise of “Homeland Security”; that further allows a synthesized “war” to be declared on a small uninvolved middle eastern country, Iraq.
Three thousand innocent civilians were murdered on September 11th 2001. Three thousand more and still counting have died in Iraq for some vague “prevent terrorism over there from coming over here” ideal.
These crimes are being perpetrated by the super-powerful manipulators of the government. Their goal is profit; greed plain and simple. Power is their motivator. They operate invisibly to the general public. They dictate to the mass media. They escape investigation and ANY remote possibility of prosecution whatsoever.
The vast majority of the American public are blissfully unaware of any of this. They accept the explanation that was given to them without question. Ignorance is bliss.
I carry on as an individual with my day-to-day survival needs. But a small ever-present voice inside my head warns me to beware. And to be prepared. CLICK HERE, IF YOU DARE TO LEARN MORE

Friday, July 4, 2008


(I'm feeling cynical) Fire up you Bar B Q's my fellow Americans! Ice up those beers! And get ready to gape and agog at those pretty mid-air EXPLOSIONS! Woo Hoo! Pretty colors! LOUD BANGS! OMG! 4TH OF JULY 1776, This new nation, these yoonited states topple the rule of British Impreialism! How better to comemerate that than to slap some steaks on an open grill? Fire it up! Let's fast forward to the present shall we? So. Here we are. 2008. Gas prices climbing, owwww. Sustainable war in Iraq drags on, ka-ching! to the wealthy war profiteers whose money is drenched in the blood of young men and women who may actually believe that they're defending these continental US. Political campaign that is a joke. You keep telling yourself that your one vote matters, ha! The puppet masters will put McCain in the White House regardless, since he will further their not so secret agenda, which is basically: pocket more wealth, and fuck you to the middle class, lower class, whom they view as expendable.
John Mayer sings, "Waiting on the world to change" and that irks me. Since waiting is so passive. It's just as disdainful as Paul McCartney saying that Mother Mary came to him and said, Let It Be. Hey GREG, lighten up babe, it's a holiday, here man, drink a beer, down a few shots of tequila, get laid or something, dude you have a Negative Nelly attitude. You need to get happy...SHADDUP!I am like Charlie Brown on Christmas, I'm not feeling the spirit. The irony is that this very day, the fourth of July is supposed to be celebrating the American Spirit of REVOLUTION (change). People with SPINES back in the 1700s decided that they had had ENOUGH and started KICKNG ASS AND TAKING NAMES.When will WE THE PEOPLE, do that? Or is it WE THE SHEEPLE, BEING GOOD LITTLE LAMBS WAITING FOR OUR VERY OWN SLAUGHTER?...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

9/11/01 How Stupid Do American Political Puppeteers Think We Are?

"When they kick out your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun"
The Guns of Brixton, The Clash

Obviously people have very strong feelings about the horrible events that took place in New York City on September 11th 2001. I learned this first-hand when I expressed my own conclusion that the story which was circulated by the mainstream media was not the truth.
One person criticized me, saying how can you believe this after watching one film (ZEITGEIST)?
Here's the other film you can watch for yourself: 9/11 Revisited

We need to consider ALL options. That is the scientific method. It's too horrifying to think that a mass murder of nearly three thousand people could have been perpetrated by our own fellow Americans BUT there is compelling evidence that points to just that. And it sickens me to the very core of my being. To ignore this evidence, however, is to leave oneself open for victimization. Essentially, to curl up in a ball while punches and kicks are rained down upon you, hoping that eventually the tormentor will get tired and leave. That shall not happen.
Knowledge is power. "9/11 Never Forget" is a popular slogan that I see on the backs of cars, and pickup trucks, on the front of fire houses in New York City and around the rest of the country, and many other local pubs etc. BUT people have forgotten. People can't be bothered. They have to get on with their own day to day existences. Pursuits of happiness.

What about ACCOUTABILITY? Isn't that what our system of Law and Justice is all about? If one man murders another man, the crime is investigated, the murderer is pursued by law enforcment, hunted down, arrested, brought to trial, judged by a "jury of his peers" and sentenced to punishment.
So if a group of individuals commits an act that results in the murder of thousands, should this group not also be investigated, pursued, arrested, tried and sentenced? Apparently not. Not when the group is wealthy, controls the mass media, and has highly placed agents of the federal bureaus of investigation and departments of justice destroying evidence and engaging in deceptions for them. And especially not as long as the citizenry remain blissfully content to accept a story rife with blatant inconsistencies...until they come for you.

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller

"I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing!" Sgt. Schultz, Hogan's Heroes