Sunday, November 3, 2013

christianity just doesn't make any sense.

Here are my problems with christianity, plain and simple:

1.  God so loved humanity that he sacrificed his "only son" to them.

A.) How does this prove you love humanity? By killing an individual who spent his life trying to tell people to love one another? Where is the logic in that? 
To me, it is eerily reminiscent of Vlad the Impaler killing his own villagers and posting their severed heads on stakes to ward off invasions from outsiders. Killing someone you love to show a group that you love them more is nonsensical; utterly absurd.

B.) "only son" yet I hear it often said that we are ALL god's children, i.e. god's sons and daughters.

C.) Ok, if you are buy the whole god impregnated the 14 year old Mary DIRECTLY, taking his cue no doubt from the Greek myth of Zeus impregnating Hera another human/god hybrid resulting in Hercules, I do believe, then you can say that but again the whole thing just seems like a story a liar would conjure up when asked to explain something that looks pretty hard to swallow by anyone who thinks rationally. I will also assert here that Jesus' very name is just borrowed from the Greeks. The actual pronunciation of the Jesus is not the G-Zuss that American christians can't say enough but in fact Hey-Zoose or to clarify Hey Zeus.

2. This alleged god's alleged sacrificial demonstration took place two-thousand thirteen years ago. Not a peep since. So where did god go? Why no more hands on micro managing humanity, we his wayward, errant children?

"Accept Jesus into your heart and you will enter the gates of heaven for all eternity, reject him and you will burn in hell for an equal eternity"  Ugh. Either way, eternity? Forever?
Again it trivializes the creator of the universe reducing him/her/it to some petulant child who will dole out fire when you don't do as you're told.

I reject the bible, christianity and the lot entirely because it is so obviously fear based, designed to scare people into behaving. Judging by the shape of humanity today, it is NOT working. The fanatics who do in fact claim to be religious are most often the ones committing the most atrocious acts. Proclaiming that earth is a testing ground and that these evil doers will be dealt with in some imaginary after-life located in an unseen dimension just makes the whole thing more ridiculous.
Universe creators, i.e. god would not hide. He'd come around a little more often than 2013 years ago to tweak things like starvation and genocide if he truly loved his creations.


Unknown said...

Cool piece, Greg, thanks!~

Unknown said...

Cool piece, Greg, thank you!