Thursday, September 11, 2014


13 years after 9/11 the orchestrators still go unpunished...
Despite mountains of evidence, i.e. thermite explosive residue found in the rubble of the World Trade Center Buildings 1 and 2. 
no serious investigations have been conducted into the controlled demolition that american mainstream media continues to call the "terror attacks". There are thousands of people who question the story coming from the white house at the time. 
Why was vice president dick cheney head of NORAD? Why did he run war games and divert the Air Force from responding to 2 high jacked commercial air liners?
Why did WTC BUILDING 7 collapse upon itself 8 hours later?
Why is there a gaping hole in the side of the pentagon allegedly caused by a commercial airliner, yet not one piece of debris of said airliner?
Why do people continue to accept the bullshit story concocted by d.c. press office as true?
All of these weepy ceremonies on television year after year showing the family's of the victims crying as their loved one's name is read, but none of these very same people are DEMANDING an explanation of what really happened.
It sickens me every year. I was there I watched the towers burn then sink into the ground; I cried for the people I knew were trapped inside and the people who jumped from the higher floors rather than be burned alive only to splatter to pieces when they hit the ground below.
No serious investigation has ever been conducted; Neither of the 2 presidents, george w. bush nor barack hussein obama have even responded to the growing number of voices who want to know the truth and are asking for, at the very least, a serious examination of the massive amounts of evidence that point to 2,000+ human beings being murdered on that fateful Tuesday.
I have lost all faith in elected government officials. I know that they get away with murder; that they fill their bank accounts with millions , possibly billions of stolen dollars. 
It is digusting. 
The memory of those killed should be one of outrage, yet today in 2014 it garners less press than a football player who punched his wife in the face, knocking her unconscious in a public elevator in a now defunct casino.
Just like u.s.a is a country with a defunct morality. ugh.

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