Monday, February 22, 2010


I have to say that I am guilty of homosexual name-calling. And I have to apologize. I have always equated being gay as a character flaw. As sexual mis-wiring. Even if I believe that to be so. I also know that we are all humans with drives to give love. Straight gay or otherwise, we all start in the womb and end in the tomb.
Recently, some very small minded people have been hurling "fag" and "Homo" and "cocksucker" at me. They were upset because I called them "spineless douchebag cowards" for putting up with being mistreated and accepting it by a website's incompetent administrator.
While I know it isn't true, it still stings.
And I think, but why? You do the same thing with the goal to hurt others, usually guys, by implying that they have failed as men if they do what I consider being woman-like.
So sue me. Im a flawed man too. I resort to insults to hurt other people's feelings. That is malicious; that is what I do when I'm angry, I seek to hurt others. When I analyze it though, it puts me in a very petty childish light. It makes me disgusted with myself.
So I am writing this blog as a self-admonishment. I will attempt to channeling my anger into some more positive outlet.
As for people who are gay, I know you are just folks who happen to have different sexual proclivities than I do. You are just like anyone, to be judged on a person by person basis. I have to earn your respect and friendship just as you would have to earn mine. And I choose my friends by how well we can speak to each other and get along. Share ideas, laughter and observations about this MIRACLE consciousness that we are so fortunate to have been given before we become dust....
I know that LOVE is the key. It is a feeling that is so uplifting, it transcends all else.
I will strive to maintain that stance from this moment forward. But I am still an Italian hothead, so I can't totally promise that I will not occasionally still slip. ;-)

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