Thursday, September 11, 2014
13 years after 9/11 the orchestrators still go unpunished...
Despite mountains of evidence, i.e. thermite explosive residue found in the rubble of the World Trade Center Buildings 1 and 2.
no serious investigations have been conducted into the controlled demolition that american mainstream media continues to call the "terror attacks". There are thousands of people who question the story coming from the white house at the time.
Why was vice president dick cheney head of NORAD? Why did he run war games and divert the Air Force from responding to 2 high jacked commercial air liners?
Why did WTC BUILDING 7 collapse upon itself 8 hours later?
Why is there a gaping hole in the side of the pentagon allegedly caused by a commercial airliner, yet not one piece of debris of said airliner?
Why do people continue to accept the bullshit story concocted by d.c. press office as true?
All of these weepy ceremonies on television year after year showing the family's of the victims crying as their loved one's name is read, but none of these very same people are DEMANDING an explanation of what really happened.
It sickens me every year. I was there I watched the towers burn then sink into the ground; I cried for the people I knew were trapped inside and the people who jumped from the higher floors rather than be burned alive only to splatter to pieces when they hit the ground below.
No serious investigation has ever been conducted; Neither of the 2 presidents, george w. bush nor barack hussein obama have even responded to the growing number of voices who want to know the truth and are asking for, at the very least, a serious examination of the massive amounts of evidence that point to 2,000+ human beings being murdered on that fateful Tuesday.
I have lost all faith in elected government officials. I know that they get away with murder; that they fill their bank accounts with millions , possibly billions of stolen dollars.
It is digusting.
The memory of those killed should be one of outrage, yet today in 2014 it garners less press than a football player who punched his wife in the face, knocking her unconscious in a public elevator in a now defunct casino.
Just like u.s.a is a country with a defunct morality. ugh.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
christianity just doesn't make any sense.
Here are my problems with christianity, plain and simple:
1. God so loved humanity that he sacrificed his "only son" to them.
A.) How does this prove you love humanity? By killing an individual who spent his life trying to tell people to love one another? Where is the logic in that?
To me, it is eerily reminiscent of Vlad the Impaler killing his own villagers and posting their severed heads on stakes to ward off invasions from outsiders. Killing someone you love to show a group that you love them more is nonsensical; utterly absurd.
B.) "only son" yet I hear it often said that we are ALL god's children, i.e. god's sons and daughters.
C.) Ok, if you are buy the whole god impregnated the 14 year old Mary DIRECTLY, taking his cue no doubt from the Greek myth of Zeus impregnating Hera another human/god hybrid resulting in Hercules, I do believe, then you can say that but again the whole thing just seems like a story a liar would conjure up when asked to explain something that looks pretty hard to swallow by anyone who thinks rationally. I will also assert here that Jesus' very name is just borrowed from the Greeks. The actual pronunciation of the Jesus is not the G-Zuss that American christians can't say enough but in fact Hey-Zoose or to clarify Hey Zeus.
2. This alleged god's alleged sacrificial demonstration took place two-thousand thirteen years ago. Not a peep since. So where did god go? Why no more hands on micro managing humanity, we his wayward, errant children?
"Accept Jesus into your heart and you will enter the gates of heaven for all eternity, reject him and you will burn in hell for an equal eternity" Ugh. Either way, eternity? Forever?
Again it trivializes the creator of the universe reducing him/her/it to some petulant child who will dole out fire when you don't do as you're told.
I reject the bible, christianity and the lot entirely because it is so obviously fear based, designed to scare people into behaving. Judging by the shape of humanity today, it is NOT working. The fanatics who do in fact claim to be religious are most often the ones committing the most atrocious acts. Proclaiming that earth is a testing ground and that these evil doers will be dealt with in some imaginary after-life located in an unseen dimension just makes the whole thing more ridiculous.
Universe creators, i.e. god would not hide. He'd come around a little more often than 2013 years ago to tweak things like starvation and genocide if he truly loved his creations.
1. God so loved humanity that he sacrificed his "only son" to them.
A.) How does this prove you love humanity? By killing an individual who spent his life trying to tell people to love one another? Where is the logic in that?
To me, it is eerily reminiscent of Vlad the Impaler killing his own villagers and posting their severed heads on stakes to ward off invasions from outsiders. Killing someone you love to show a group that you love them more is nonsensical; utterly absurd.
B.) "only son" yet I hear it often said that we are ALL god's children, i.e. god's sons and daughters.
C.) Ok, if you are buy the whole god impregnated the 14 year old Mary DIRECTLY, taking his cue no doubt from the Greek myth of Zeus impregnating Hera another human/god hybrid resulting in Hercules, I do believe, then you can say that but again the whole thing just seems like a story a liar would conjure up when asked to explain something that looks pretty hard to swallow by anyone who thinks rationally. I will also assert here that Jesus' very name is just borrowed from the Greeks. The actual pronunciation of the Jesus is not the G-Zuss that American christians can't say enough but in fact Hey-Zoose or to clarify Hey Zeus.
2. This alleged god's alleged sacrificial demonstration took place two-thousand thirteen years ago. Not a peep since. So where did god go? Why no more hands on micro managing humanity, we his wayward, errant children?
"Accept Jesus into your heart and you will enter the gates of heaven for all eternity, reject him and you will burn in hell for an equal eternity" Ugh. Either way, eternity? Forever?
Again it trivializes the creator of the universe reducing him/her/it to some petulant child who will dole out fire when you don't do as you're told.
I reject the bible, christianity and the lot entirely because it is so obviously fear based, designed to scare people into behaving. Judging by the shape of humanity today, it is NOT working. The fanatics who do in fact claim to be religious are most often the ones committing the most atrocious acts. Proclaiming that earth is a testing ground and that these evil doers will be dealt with in some imaginary after-life located in an unseen dimension just makes the whole thing more ridiculous.
Universe creators, i.e. god would not hide. He'd come around a little more often than 2013 years ago to tweak things like starvation and genocide if he truly loved his creations.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Miley Cyrus is a symbol of how truly lacking the usa is of any sense of dignity or a moral compass. Her hype strategy is to shock and outrage by acting like a street whore miming promises of fellatio and intercourse. Worse is that she has millions of young women following her, imitating her actions. So these easily misled girls will end up being used by horny men who take advantage of the easy entry the girls are giving them. What Miley Cyrus makes no reference to is the result of promiscuous behavior, i.e. pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, low self esteem and of course, alcoholism and drug addiction these girls will turn to for escape.
Unlike Miley, these girls do not have access to millions of dollars, body guards, private jets and all the attendant rewards show business has earned Ms. Cyrus. They will, however, spend their hard earned waitressing tips or parents' money to buy clothing lines, perfumes, albums and whatever else the Miley Cyrus machine grinds out. Chrome plated sledge hammer head dildos perhaps?
Sinead O'Connor tried to offer some saged show biz advice to Miley about how record companies are using her and don't care about her as a person but was shrugged off as "cray" (crazy) by Ms. Know-it-all-foam-finger-up-her-twat Cyrus.
Illusion is all this country has these days. Seriousness is for jerks. Let's just party all night long, twerk, smoke fat blunts, and have sex. Great message Hannah Montana.
Unlike Miley, these girls do not have access to millions of dollars, body guards, private jets and all the attendant rewards show business has earned Ms. Cyrus. They will, however, spend their hard earned waitressing tips or parents' money to buy clothing lines, perfumes, albums and whatever else the Miley Cyrus machine grinds out. Chrome plated sledge hammer head dildos perhaps?
Sinead O'Connor tried to offer some saged show biz advice to Miley about how record companies are using her and don't care about her as a person but was shrugged off as "cray" (crazy) by Ms. Know-it-all-foam-finger-up-her-twat Cyrus.
Illusion is all this country has these days. Seriousness is for jerks. Let's just party all night long, twerk, smoke fat blunts, and have sex. Great message Hannah Montana.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Forget oiling and loading your AK 47s and your AR15s and polishing your barrels every night and day in anticipation of the "war on the corrupt government" because the war is already on and WE THE PEOPLE are losing.
While the debate rages daily about our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, president barack obama, congress and the senate (for the most part) are poisoning us every single day courtesy of MONSANTO and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are like slow poison, insidious in the damage they do to the human body. Sterility, tumors, and bizarre genetic horrors are turning up in rapidly growing numbers of American citizens. Correction, in middle and lower class American citizens.
GMOs are doing their work because they're in the common brands of food we buy every day. And aside from lab analysis, we, as consumers have no way of knowing because there are no laws requiring food companies to indicate GMOs on their labels or packaging.
The Food & Drug Administration FDA is silent on the matter.
But where is the average citizen's outrage? This is food that you eat and feed your children. This is an attack on our every day lives.
Ask yourself one simple question: Why?
Why is it necessary to infuse the food we eat to live with genetically modified organisms? ORGANISMS folks. Like we humans are living organisms.
WHY do most of the countries in the rest of the world BAN the use of GMO's?
Why do our united states government agencies, entrusted with protecting consumers from being poisoned, remain silent on the issue of GMOs in our food?
Why did barack obama (lower case intentional) flip on his 2008 election campaign promise to force monsanto to label food containing GMOs? (SEE obama's broken promise here)
Why does barack, michelle and daughters malia and natasha NOT eat GMO food?
I can only speculate on the answer. Here is my thinking: obama is a corporate shill bought and paid for by major financial contributors like monsanto, aig, bankamerica, mobil oil and any other corporation. Also known as the power elite. Commonly refered to as the 1% of this country who control a majority of the wealth.
The power elite do not like you or me. They're not your friends. They do not invite you or me to their parties, dinners or trips to exotic places. The privileged rich see WE THE PEOPLE as cockroaches, we are breeding at an alarming rate, we are consuming food and air and they want us dead.
The question is how do you kill so many of us, especially when so many own guns?
Simple answer people, poison our food. GMOs. And the majority of you sheeple american not sees don't even complain! You raise holy hell if the government thugs aka DHS , FBI, CIA, local police, sheriffs try to take your guns, your booze, your cigarettes, your flat screen tv's your cable, your video games, your porn but not much of a peep about POISONING the food you shovel into your fat grubby mouths and the mouths of your children day after day.
Here is the lesson, the WAR is already on, and THEY, the power elite are killing WE THE PEOPLE off, slowly but surely.
The time is overdue to start DEMANDING accountability from our elected representatives. Or just keep eating and don't do shit.
obama's back door law PROTECTING MONSANTO from AMERICAN LAW
A glimmer of hope, mass BACKLASH to obama's sneaky tactic
Watch the above videos and see for yourselves.
While the debate rages daily about our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, president barack obama, congress and the senate (for the most part) are poisoning us every single day courtesy of MONSANTO and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are like slow poison, insidious in the damage they do to the human body. Sterility, tumors, and bizarre genetic horrors are turning up in rapidly growing numbers of American citizens. Correction, in middle and lower class American citizens.
GMOs are doing their work because they're in the common brands of food we buy every day. And aside from lab analysis, we, as consumers have no way of knowing because there are no laws requiring food companies to indicate GMOs on their labels or packaging.
The Food & Drug Administration FDA is silent on the matter.
But where is the average citizen's outrage? This is food that you eat and feed your children. This is an attack on our every day lives.
Ask yourself one simple question: Why?
Why is it necessary to infuse the food we eat to live with genetically modified organisms? ORGANISMS folks. Like we humans are living organisms.
WHY do most of the countries in the rest of the world BAN the use of GMO's?
Why do our united states government agencies, entrusted with protecting consumers from being poisoned, remain silent on the issue of GMOs in our food?
Why did barack obama (lower case intentional) flip on his 2008 election campaign promise to force monsanto to label food containing GMOs? (SEE obama's broken promise here)
Why does barack, michelle and daughters malia and natasha NOT eat GMO food?
I can only speculate on the answer. Here is my thinking: obama is a corporate shill bought and paid for by major financial contributors like monsanto, aig, bankamerica, mobil oil and any other corporation. Also known as the power elite. Commonly refered to as the 1% of this country who control a majority of the wealth.
The power elite do not like you or me. They're not your friends. They do not invite you or me to their parties, dinners or trips to exotic places. The privileged rich see WE THE PEOPLE as cockroaches, we are breeding at an alarming rate, we are consuming food and air and they want us dead.
The question is how do you kill so many of us, especially when so many own guns?
Simple answer people, poison our food. GMOs. And the majority of you sheeple american not sees don't even complain! You raise holy hell if the government thugs aka DHS , FBI, CIA, local police, sheriffs try to take your guns, your booze, your cigarettes, your flat screen tv's your cable, your video games, your porn but not much of a peep about POISONING the food you shovel into your fat grubby mouths and the mouths of your children day after day.
Here is the lesson, the WAR is already on, and THEY, the power elite are killing WE THE PEOPLE off, slowly but surely.
The time is overdue to start DEMANDING accountability from our elected representatives. Or just keep eating and don't do shit.
obama's back door law PROTECTING MONSANTO from AMERICAN LAW
A glimmer of hope, mass BACKLASH to obama's sneaky tactic
Watch the above videos and see for yourselves.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Paula Deen, Bubba Hiers and Lisa T. Jackson the REAL issue
In typical bait and switch fashion, the mainstream media have focused their attention on Paula Deen's having committed the shocking crime of uttering the word "nigger". Front page headlines! Oh my God! Food Network promptly cancelled Ms. Deen's butter infused cooking show.
BUT the real story is that one beleaguered woman, Lisa T. Jackson working in the capacity of General Manager for Bubba's Restaurant endured 5+ years of lower pay, sexual harassment, and physical abuse at the hands of Earl "Bubba" Hiers, Paula Deen's brother.
You can read the Lisa T. Jackson v. Paula Deen, Earl Hiers transcript here.
Many people have come to Paula's defense, saying things like "We all make mistakes" "Blacks say nigger all the time" "Food Network is a hypocrite" "Jesus will save her" and other inane comments.
The real issue is not about saying nigger. It is about how one hard working woman, Lisa T. Jackson was hired, reluctantly at first,
"You're everything I've never wanted, but everything I need, a woman to clean my business should take that as a compliment" Bubba told Lisa,
to save the failing business of Uncle Bubba's Seafood & Oyster House.
Bubba and the other male managers did not believe that a woman had the ability to turn things around and make his venture profitable. But Ms. Jackson did so in a matter of months. Was she rewarded for her efforts? No. She was paid less than the male managers of the other restaurants of Deen Enterprises. She was exposed to pornography in the cramped office she shared with Bubba. She had to make up for the cash Bubba was stealing directly from the register to the tune of $25,000 a month without recording or accounting for it. She had to smooth things over with the black employess who worked the kitchen where they were addressed as "monkey", i.e. "I wanna fire every one uh them monkeys in that kitchen!" -Earl Bubba Hiers. and "nigger" of course. Bubba's daily consumption of a white Styrofoam cup filled to the brim with whiskey also signaled Ms. Jackson and the terrified kitchen employess what any given workday had in store for them.
Ms. Jackson also had to endure having her bonus denied her by a bible thumping Karl Schumacher because she had gotten a divorce, thereby mocking the holy sanctity of marriage. inSchumacher's view.
Finally after 5 years of putting up with multiple abuses Ms. Jackson had no choice but to quit her job. After having done so, Deen Ent. made sure that no other vendors or business in Savannah would hire her, forcing Lisa Jackson to have to move to another state in order to earn a living.
The bottom line is that it angers me that everyone is focusing on Paula Deen saying nigger and not the real story; how Paula betrayed a woman who was struggling and succeeding in spite of Earl Bubba Hiers disgusting behavior.
And the fact that the Georgia legal system is dragging its feet about bringing this matter to court.
If Paula Deen was smart, she would have settled this matter out of court and paid Ms. Jackson the $1 million. But neither she nor her brother Bubba have evidenced very much intelligence. Now I have zero sympathy for Deen Enterprises and especially none for Uncle Bubba's restaurant. I would hope that any decent human avoids that place and boycotts all the Deen ventures as well.
BUT the real story is that one beleaguered woman, Lisa T. Jackson working in the capacity of General Manager for Bubba's Restaurant endured 5+ years of lower pay, sexual harassment, and physical abuse at the hands of Earl "Bubba" Hiers, Paula Deen's brother.
You can read the Lisa T. Jackson v. Paula Deen, Earl Hiers transcript here.
Many people have come to Paula's defense, saying things like "We all make mistakes" "Blacks say nigger all the time" "Food Network is a hypocrite" "Jesus will save her" and other inane comments.
The real issue is not about saying nigger. It is about how one hard working woman, Lisa T. Jackson was hired, reluctantly at first,
"You're everything I've never wanted, but everything I need, a woman to clean my business should take that as a compliment" Bubba told Lisa,
to save the failing business of Uncle Bubba's Seafood & Oyster House.

Bubba and the other male managers did not believe that a woman had the ability to turn things around and make his venture profitable. But Ms. Jackson did so in a matter of months. Was she rewarded for her efforts? No. She was paid less than the male managers of the other restaurants of Deen Enterprises. She was exposed to pornography in the cramped office she shared with Bubba. She had to make up for the cash Bubba was stealing directly from the register to the tune of $25,000 a month without recording or accounting for it. She had to smooth things over with the black employess who worked the kitchen where they were addressed as "monkey", i.e. "I wanna fire every one uh them monkeys in that kitchen!" -Earl Bubba Hiers. and "nigger" of course. Bubba's daily consumption of a white Styrofoam cup filled to the brim with whiskey also signaled Ms. Jackson and the terrified kitchen employess what any given workday had in store for them.
Ms. Jackson also had to endure having her bonus denied her by a bible thumping Karl Schumacher because she had gotten a divorce, thereby mocking the holy sanctity of marriage. inSchumacher's view.
Finally after 5 years of putting up with multiple abuses Ms. Jackson had no choice but to quit her job. After having done so, Deen Ent. made sure that no other vendors or business in Savannah would hire her, forcing Lisa Jackson to have to move to another state in order to earn a living.
The bottom line is that it angers me that everyone is focusing on Paula Deen saying nigger and not the real story; how Paula betrayed a woman who was struggling and succeeding in spite of Earl Bubba Hiers disgusting behavior.
Bubba & Paula, 2 dummies |
If Paula Deen was smart, she would have settled this matter out of court and paid Ms. Jackson the $1 million. But neither she nor her brother Bubba have evidenced very much intelligence. Now I have zero sympathy for Deen Enterprises and especially none for Uncle Bubba's restaurant. I would hope that any decent human avoids that place and boycotts all the Deen ventures as well.
earl hiers,
jungle bunny,
lisa t. jackson,
paula deen,
uncle bubba's
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
by GREGORY LIONS c. 2013
We're doomed as doomed can be (x3)
And we don't even see
As long as we have giant flat teeee vees!
And beer flows steadily
NSA can listen away
And even film us what the hey!
Drone missiles fly
across the sky
at you or I
Barack Obomber
What a guy!
We're doomed as doomed can be!
GMOs are in your food, you dont even know
Don't care if you could.
'Murican ignorance is bliss
and we're in ecstasy
Cops can stop you any time
DHS can jail you without a crime
Terrorism rules with fear
Not over there,
They live right here
In elected positions
That pound your rear
Do you care? hell naw!
In the land of the brave,
and the home of the free
were doomed as doomed as doomed can beeeee!
I wrote this today, out of sheer frustration. I hope you can laugh, even though it's not really funny at all. Laughter is the best medicine though. I would also like to salute EDWARD SNOWDEN for being a true patriot.
by GREGORY LIONS c. 2013
We're doomed as doomed can be (x3)
And we don't even see
As long as we have giant flat teeee vees!
And beer flows steadily
NSA can listen away
And even film us what the hey!
Drone missiles fly
across the sky
at you or I
Barack Obomber
What a guy!
We're doomed as doomed can be!
GMOs are in your food, you dont even know
Don't care if you could.
'Murican ignorance is bliss
and we're in ecstasy
Cops can stop you any time
DHS can jail you without a crime
Terrorism rules with fear
Not over there,
They live right here
In elected positions
That pound your rear
Do you care? hell naw!
In the land of the brave,
and the home of the free
were doomed as doomed as doomed can beeeee!
I wrote this today, out of sheer frustration. I hope you can laugh, even though it's not really funny at all. Laughter is the best medicine though. I would also like to salute EDWARD SNOWDEN for being a true patriot.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Recently on CNN’s Piers Morgan show, Alex Jones, the head
of infowars became irate and hostile to Piers Morgan regarding the issue of American
citizens’ right to own semi-automatic weapons. Much ado was made about Jones’ “meltdown”
on this major media national platform. Many Americans voiced concern, through
twitter ,facebook, youtube and numerous other public forums, that someone that “unstable”
should not be allowed to own so many guns.
What upsets me most is the way a majority of Americans passively accept the daily lies told
to them by our own government and mainstream media.
They* accept:
A nonsensical war in Afghanistan. Ideally to flush out
terrorist masterminds bent on the destruction of the U.S.A. When the fact of
the matter is Afghanistan is only noteworthy because of their opium crops.
U.S. Drone bombing
other smaller countries, killing innocent people from above with missiles like
a video game only with real life deadly results. These acts can only honestly
be described as terroristic .
The Patriot Act that slowly usurps our civil rights. An
executive order that allows individuals to be arrested without a warrant and
imprisoned without knowing why or having access to a lawyer or due process of
the law.
The Department of Homeland Security’s purchase of hollow point
bullets for domestic use. Who do they intend to kill with those?
Consumers don’t know if they’re food contains genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) because the FDA does not require labels listing this
in their ingredients. Contrary to President Obama’s empty campaign promise to
make it a requirement.
On Sept. 11th , 2001, the fabrication of the
controlled demolition of WTC buildings 1, 2 and 8 hours later building 7. The
military grade thermite evidence left behind in great abundance and burning hot
for 2 weeks following.
The missile fired into the Pentagon.
The weakest federal investigation of wholesale murder of
over 3,000 human beings resulting from the destruction of those buildings.
What I wonder about is if there will in fact one day be
martial law imposed on this entire country; when that happens if the UNITED
STATES military, composed of our own citizens, would hesitate to fire on us, their
fellow citizens. If that day ever does arrive, individuals with assault weapons
will be disposed of easily by the military’s far superior numbers, fire power, tanks and missiles.
So yes, Alex Jones is irate, but with good reason. Sadly
most Americans are not, they just go
right along, doing as they’re told questioning nothing. Raising the most
minimal objections , with a “grin and bear it” mentality, right up until they’re
marched from the comfort of their homes to labor camps.
* the majority of Americans, I do not use “We”, because I
do NOT ACCEPT any of this, and I am, in fact, among the minority.
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