Thursday, January 10, 2013


Recently on CNN’s Piers Morgan show, Alex Jones, the head of infowars became irate and hostile to Piers Morgan regarding the issue of American citizens’ right to own semi-automatic weapons. Much ado was made about Jones’ “meltdown” on this major media national platform. Many Americans voiced concern, through twitter ,facebook, youtube and numerous other public forums, that someone that “unstable” should not be allowed to own so many guns.
What upsets me most is the way a majority of  Americans passively accept the daily lies told to them by our own government and mainstream media.
They*  accept:
A nonsensical war in Afghanistan. Ideally to flush out terrorist masterminds bent on the destruction of the U.S.A. When the fact of the matter is Afghanistan is only noteworthy because of their opium crops.
U.S.  Drone bombing other smaller countries, killing innocent people from above with missiles like a video game only with real life deadly results. These acts can only honestly be described as terroristic .
The Patriot Act that slowly usurps our civil rights. An executive order that allows individuals to be arrested without a warrant and imprisoned without knowing why or having access to a lawyer or due process of the law.
The Department of Homeland Security’s purchase of hollow point bullets for domestic use. Who do they intend to kill with those?
Consumers don’t know if they’re food contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs) because the FDA does not require labels listing this in their ingredients. Contrary to President Obama’s empty campaign promise to make it a requirement.
On Sept. 11th , 2001, the fabrication of the controlled demolition of WTC buildings 1, 2 and 8 hours later building 7. The military grade thermite evidence left behind in great abundance and burning hot for 2 weeks following.
The missile fired into the Pentagon.
The weakest federal investigation of wholesale murder of over 3,000 human beings resulting from the destruction of those buildings.
What I wonder about is if there will in fact one day be martial law imposed on this entire country; when that happens if the UNITED STATES military, composed of our own citizens, would hesitate to fire on us, their fellow citizens. If that day ever does arrive, individuals with assault weapons will be disposed of easily by the military’s far superior numbers, fire power,  tanks and missiles.
So yes, Alex Jones is irate, but with good reason. Sadly most  Americans are not, they just go right along, doing as they’re told questioning nothing. Raising the most minimal objections , with a “grin and bear it” mentality, right up until they’re marched from the comfort of their homes to labor camps.
* the majority of Americans, I do not use “We”, because I do NOT ACCEPT any of this, and I am, in fact, among the minority.

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