Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So Sarah Palin accepts David Letterman's apology about making a joke about A-Rod impregnating one of her daughters. Then she goes on a totally unrelated tangent about how she hopes Americans can appreciate our "brave men and women fighting to protect our country's freedoms"
I suppose Ms. Palin has got her eye on 2012 and how the desperate Republican Party will trot her out yet again to show that even a talking monkey can run for President of these here United States.
So she chose the topic of war. Always emotional, jingoistic slogans that say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ACCURATE.
Our dedicated young men and women (with strong emphasis on the word "young") are in a situation that they volunteered to be in because perhaps they honestly believe that they are keeping this country safe. But they have been duped BIG TIME.
This country's enemies lie deep within. They are the wealthy elite policy makers. The puppet masters with their own greedy agenda. They tell the politicians how things are going to be. The politicians in turn voted for a contrived war, in this instance Iraq. They created a bogus enemy under the vague title "Al Queda" which means "the information" in Arabic.
So whose freedom is being protected?

The only thing I see resulting from this SYNTHESIZED WAR is over one million Iraqi men women and children DEAD. Thousands of young American men and women dead and thousands disfigured and disabled for life. Families here in the states left to grieve for them.

I'll leave you with a Bowie tune that popped into my head, it summarizes nicely the only kind of people who actually enjoy a good war:

Running Gun Blues
Words and music by David Bowie

I count the corpses on my left, I find I'm not so tidy
So I better get away, better make it today
I've cut twenty-three down since Friday
But I can't control it, my face is drawn
My instinct still emotes it

I slash them cold, I kill them dead
I broke the gooks, I cracked their heads
I'll bomb them out from under the beds
Cause now I've got the running gun blues

It seems the peacefuls stopped the war
Left generals squashed and stifled
But I'll slip out again tonight
Cause they haven't taken back my rifle
For I promote oblivion
And I'll plug a few civilians

I'll slash them cold, I'll kill them dead
I'll break them gooks, I'll crack their heads
I'll slice them till they're running red
But now I've got the running gun blues

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