Monday, November 19, 2012


"Silent enim leges inter arma" (For the laws are silent among the armed) -Cicero

Israel is bombing Palestinians along the Gaza Strip. They are getting ready to launch ground forces and more killing.
 My image of Israel is a video of a Palestinian father, Jamal Al-Durrah trying to protect his 12 year old son Mohammed Al-Durrah from Israeli gun fire; a father's most horrific nightmare made real on a city street. Despite the father's pleas his son Jamal is shot and killed by Israeli bullets.
This incident, which took place on Sept. 30th 2000 lives forever in my mind.
The United States president, Barack Obama, issued a statement, "we support Israel's steps to protect themselves" but he is not speaking for me. And I am certain he is not speaking for any decent human being who objects to bullying and wholesale murder.
Israel is doing just that. And I feel the way decent humans must have felt in the late 1930s when they read about the Germans and the atrocities that they were perpretrating on Jewish citizens.
I can not, in good conscience, sit idly by and let the rest of the world think that all Americans are pro Israel. I most certainly am not.
I see the Israelis government for exactly what it is: a blood thirsty aggressor. A militarily superior power, courtesy of wealthy Jewish American benefactors, using air strikes to rain death upon its weaker neighbor, the Palestinians. What is the Palestinian crime? Existing apparently.
I am writing this in hopes that others around the world will speak up and DEMAND that Israel cease killing innocent men, women and children at once. Not in the name of any make believe god or nonsensical holy belief, but in the name of decency and what is the right thing to do.
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." -Albert Einstein.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

preposterous, the jesus christ story is.

Where is the logic behind, 
"I love you humans so much, I will make a special one who will walk among you for thirty years performing miracles then have him tortured and nailed alive to a cross just to absolve you of your sins so that you may spend an eternity in some vague heavenly place doing god knows what" ? 
The alternative that if you do not accept Jesus Christ into your heart i.e. consciousness, that you will spend eternity in the pain of burning fire and suffering in "hell". 
How ridiculous is either of those two scenarios? 
Yet millions of people honestly believe that this is their lot. 

That this is why they are here and where they will go when their bodies cease to function. It is truly embarrassing to me that they sincerely accept this as truth. And I lose a great deal of respect for them because of that.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

This James Eagen Holmes has etched himself a place in history. Violence gets everyone's attention real quick. Maybe that was his point. Along with the "depraved indifference to human life"
Ironically, it was during The Dark Knight Rises, a film that is fraught with gun fights, explosions, predictable good versus evil,
"you have taken so much and left us so little"

I can't help but wonder about idividuals who will secretly worship James Eagen Holmes as a hero; writers who are scrambling to come up with a screen-play of the shooting itself;  possibly even a video game.

And the fact that the theater in Aurora, CO. and theaters all over this planet was and will be filled to capacity for weeks to come only confirms humankind's voyeuristic blood lust.